Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A Trip To 'Green Mountain'!

wakaka!! 27 of September is a memorable saturday 4 me! tis morning joycelyn n i were having marketing test which worth 25% yea! hehe! after having our test, we went 2 pick joycelyn's bro bek from tuition then went 2 her hoz with yun kien oso!! this afternun we were planning 2 go 2 'Green Mountain' yea!! the ppl who join were me, joycelyn, joyce, bian, yun kien, alicia, alicia's bf -- wei feng, alicia's sisters n her mum, ai ching, ai ching's parents and kei xian! kwen is not going as he was having test n got class in that afternun... yun kien, joycelyn n i were having maggi mee as our lunch before went 2 ai ching's hoz... haha! when we reached ai ching's hoz, we were told tat her dad's car cant start at all so we nid 2 wait till the car is in good condition n the engine can be start... then all of us chit chat there n hanging around... about 3pm, the car can be start oredi!! huurray!! haha!! then we started our trip 2 'Green Mountain' le!! hehe!! there is a beautiful place i think... but got 1 thing tat make me felt so weird is tat y the ppl live o stay around tat area is all malay o others but no chinese at all n instead 'Green Mountain' is a place of Buddha... hmm we climbed up the stairs yea! btw we got drank a water which call 'Fu Shui' yea... aftertat i just folo ai ching go 2 pray yea!! haha!! actually i never touch such things b4 even though i m a buddhist... hehe!! i try all those things n even light the oil lamp yea!! hehe!! aftertat i jz explored around n took some picture yea!! hehe!! we went bek around 4.30pm then we went 2 'Song Keng Hai' 2 eat belacan mihun... hehe!! wei feng never eat b4 i think... haha!! actually i wanna ask 4 ABC but when got 1 ppl came 2 ask wat drinks we wanted 2 order, i din think 2 much n ask 4 sugarcane... yish!!! my ABC cant eat liao!! hmm aftertat we went bek 2 ai ching hoz but joycelyn n i folo bian car go 2 boulevard as joycelyn's family were there yea! i jz shopping with them n i reached home around 7pm yea! i go 2 bath n prepared myself as kwen will came 2 fetch me at 8pm... we were asked by Tiaw 2 go 2 Peach Garden... when we reached there i jz ask kwen order tis order tat 4 me as i m very hungry becoz only belacan mihun was not full enough 4 me!! hehe!! i was quite surprise when i saw joyce, bian n ai ching were there 2!! haha!! i din talked much but jz ate my food yea!! hehe!! paiseh yea!! after eating i was so full n wanna walked around... kwen, Tiaw's sis n i were walked around 2gather yea... i saw a pair of monkey keychain which are very cute!!! haha!! it is 4 couple yea!! the monkey is really cute 4 me!! but i din bought it at last... hmm... tat nite kwen bring me home around 11pm something yea!

The Views at 'Green Mountain'~

All of us except Wei Feng ( the phototaker)~
Actually i not really sure wat i m doing but jz folo~~ Paiseh...
Taking Photo at the Front Door!!
Taking Photo with the Dragon!!

With My Besta Besta Besta Kei Xian!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sweet Time With My Darling!!

yuuhoooo!!! haha!! yesterday is tuesday! as usual i went 2 skol early in the morning n finish my class at 4.30pm... actually we hav our accouting class quiz at 4.3opm till 5.30pm... but joycelyn n i dunno tat the quiz have been postpone 2 tomorrow which is wednesday during class time... at 1st kwen n i decided to go 2 spring 2 find a present 4 my cousin 4 her 21 years old b'day present at 5.30pm... but since the quiz have been postpone so three of us -- joycelyn, kwen n i went to search 4 present 2gather... we walked around the spring n i m targeted on small hand bag!! haha!! i thought small hand bag will suit my cousin well... hmm... at last we found 1 which is in yellow colour at the MS Collection yea!! it is quite nice... i like the colour -- yellow coz it is light colour and attrative!! haha!! i bought tat at last... the most important thing was tat i saw a pair of shoes which is in silver colour with a ribbon in front yea!! i love it so much!!! hope tat i can hav it!!! haiz... after tat we went 2 memory lane 2 search 4 suitable ribbon 2 tie on my present box... we found a silver with black colour ribbon jz quite nice... haha!! abt 6pm when we finished buying our things... we sent joycelyn bek 4 dinner b4 kwen n i go 2 hav dinner 2gather... haha!! we dunno where 2 eat yea... but at last we still go bek 2 spring!! haha!! quite funny rite? coz both of us love the foods at 'huan xi di' very much!!! haha!! n it has many choices!! wakaka!! we take our order yea!! we even met Shu Qi at there!! haha!! we spent long time there enjoying our foods and chit chat... haha!! kwen sent me bek home abt 8pm yea!! long time tat we dun hav a great dinner like tis le!! so happy yea!! buahaha!!

The set of foods that Kwen had order!!

The set of foods that I order!!

The side order that we order yea!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Happy Mooncake Festival!!

buahaha!!! on 14 September 2008, it was a meaningful day 4 chinese because tat day is mooncake festival!! haha!! hmm my family dun actually celebrate mooncake festival yea... it is the same as tis year 2... tat morning joycelyn's church and another church were having a charity sales at the church near St. Theresa yea! kwen n i had promised joycelyn tat we will go visiting her tat morning yea! i woke up early in the morning abt 7am n kwen woke up late but luckily he manage 2 woke up abt 7.20am! haha!! he came fetched me abt 7.40am yea! we went 2 the church n walked around 2 search 4 joycelyn! haha!! after tat kwen n i jz walked around 2 search 4 foods as we havent eat our breakfast yet... hmm at last we din bought any food except 2 cups of ‘冬瓜凉茶’ from joycelyn as kwen n i was having sore throat during tat time so we cant eat most of the foods there... hehe! after tat we left the charity sales n searched 4 a restaurant 2 hav our breakfast... at 1st we went 2 banquet but it was not open on tat day... it seems like there were having some kind of ceremony yea... after tat we went 2 the restaurant which is beside Frydays Chicken to hav our breakfast but the restaurant havent open yet as we reached there abt 8.55am... so we wait until 9.30am then go bek 2 the restaurant again... haha!! we order our food yea!! at 1st we wanna went 4 movie but the time was not suit yea... at last we decided 2 go 2 spring 2 buy the small pillow couple hp hanger we saw the other day!! haha!! there were so nice n so cute neh!! wakaka!! love it so much!! kwen n i took each 1 of it yea!! we even hang it on our hp yea!!! wakaka!! when i look at it everytime, i will think of him yea!! buahaha!! after tat, kwen send me bek home abt 12pm yea!!

Our Lovely Small Couple Pillow Hp Hanger!!

The Pillow Which I Took!!

The Pillow Which Kwen Took!! wakaka!! Sooooo Cute!!!!!!

A Mooncake Gathering with Kwen's Gang

on 13 September 2008, kwen n i was invited 4 the mooncake gathering by clarence! the gathering was held at Snow Wing's hoz -- oso mean Kah Huo's hoz... haha! hmm quite many people was going on tat nite... there were me, kwen, clarence, winnie, siu mei, albert, lucas, jasper, tiaw, tiaw's sis -- ling, hong xing n the other two came late which i not sure abt their name... haha! all of us need 2 prepare a small present n a riddle... we oso need 2 prepare our lanterns bu ourselves! abt 5pm, kwen came picked me n we went to spring to search 4 1 more present as we left 1 more present... we went into the coolmax n found 1 hp chain which will suit both boys n gals... we bought tat n go 4 some food at 'huan xi di' as we thought tat the gathering was started at 8pm... haha! kwen n i share the food so tat we wont too full yea! after tat clarence told kwen tat the gathering is start at 7pm! oh gosh! we need to rush le as tat time oredi 6.50pm i think... haha! it is the 1st time i went 2 Snow Wing' hoz... haha! his hoz is big... we hav our steamboat 1st... then some of them playing PS2... after tat we guess the riddles!! haha!! b4 guessing the riddles, i m aiming 4 the dolphin n penguin which were actually nail clipper!! so cute!! haha! i guess 1 of the riddles set by lucas n i get num 7... hmm i din get 2 o 10 at last... i get a hp hanger... nvm then... jz a game mah... haha! but kwen get nothing... buahahaha!!! hmm 1 of our present was took by siu mei n she is so satisfied because the present she got is the hp hanger tat we bought at coolmax! haha!! after tat we hav some mooncakes n 'cha ye dan' which was cooked by clarence!! haha!! the 1st time i ate 'cha ye dan' n i really like it!! haha!! we oso play the lantern 4 a while... but actually was lighting the candles n some lanterns but din walk around with lanterns! haha!! the mickey n minnie lanterns were so cute!! they are belongs 2 kwen n i!! buahahaha!! abt 10.30pm, most of us go bek home le... a happy gathering was ended like tis...

Monday, September 15, 2008

Visiting to Carpenter Street

wakaka!! the mooncake fest is held from 10 September to 14 September! haha! i jz know it on friday nite yea... hmm it seems like not tat nice if compare to b4 coz last time it held 4 several days n even more than 1 week... haiz... nvm! coz i jz wan 2 eat the kantong only!! wakaka!!! the food tat i miss so much yea! i only can hav 1 per year... haiz... so i cant miss it! haha! on last friday afternun, kei xian told me abt the fest n i m buying latern with kwen n joycelyn during tat time...i was so happy when i know it! buahaha!! i asked kwen to bring me go on tat nite but he always refuse to do so... but i know actually he will bring me go de! so i dun k abt him! haha!! after he finish his class at abt 7.30pm, he came pick me... then go pick joycelyn n joyce the last minute... when we reached there, there is big traffic jam!!! we cant even found a carpark around tat area... at last, kwen decide to put his car in the Star Cineplex building! haha! after tat we walk to the fest by crossing a road only... haha! i m so happy yea!! we look for kei xian 1st then walking around... the fest is not tat fun anymore... haiz... no games... no special food... hmm but the most important things is tat still have my kantong!!!!! haha!!! hmm we walk around then kei xian wanna buy a 'cotton candy'! n the seller made a big size candy 4 her! haha! the candy is double of the original size!! so big yea!! haha!! actually kei xian wan 2 enjoy it but the candy start to melt so all of us help her 2 finish the candy as fast as possible... haha!! she jz like promoting the 'cotton candy' when she walk around with it! n a small baby try 2 grab some from kei xian 2! haha!! so funny! we r hungry but cant found any food tat we like 2 eat there, so we went to '人间茶坊' to hav some food... the restaurant is so full!! luckily we manage 2 find seat... hmm we order 1 set of 'puer'!! haha! the 1st time i drank tat tea... i never drank b4... hmm it seems like i dun really like tea yea... coz the taste of the tea is nothing different from other tea 4 me... hehe! kwen send all of us bek home around 10.30pm... hehe!